The Latest “Buzz on the Street” Show: Featuring Pressure Biosciences Inc. (OTCQB: PBIO) CFAES News

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Pressure BioSciences, Inc. (OTCQB: PBIO), a leader in the development and sale of broadly enabling, pressure-based technology and products to the worldwide life sciences industry, today announced the achievement of the first major milestone in its collaboration with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Science of The Ohio State University. The primary program goal is to develop and make available for commercialization a continuous-flow manufacturing process to prepare foods and beverages with superior sensory and nutritional qualities, while delivering long, room temperature shelf stability without requiring refrigeration or chemical additives.

Pressure BioSciences, Inc. is a leader in the development and sale of innovative, broadly enabling, pressure-based solutions for the worldwide life sciences industry. Our products are based on the unique properties of both constant and alternating hydrostatic pressure. PCT is a patented enabling technology platform that uses alternating cycles of hydrostatic pressure between ambient and ultra-high levels to safely and reproducibly control bio-molecular interactions.

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Track Name: “Better Days”
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